Derechos Indígenas, Reformas Multiculturales y Globalización Legal: ¿La Construcción del “Estado de Derecho” en Guatemala?


This chapter analyses attempts to increase access to multicultural justice for indigenous peoples in Guatemala within the context of global processes of judicial reform. It also considers these changes in light of the dynamics of the formation of the Guatemalan state in the longer term. What do decentralization and multiculturalism of law in Guatemala mean for the nature of the State? What impacts will such processes have in terms of justice for the most marginalized sectors of the population?

Available on Prometeo Editorial


(2007) “Derechos indígenas, reformas multiculturales y globalización legal: ¿La construcción del “Estado de derecho” en Guatemala?” in Juan Manuel Palacio and Magdalena Candioti (comps.), Justicia, política y derechos en América Latina, Buenos Aires, Prometeo: 63-81. ISBN: 978-987-574-147-8

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